"Green News" / 10.000 copies
Since 2018 I have collaborated with "Zielone Wiadomości" (Green News), a Warsaw-based bimonthly about ecology, conservation, sustainability and human rights, printed in 10.000 copies.
I have a regular column with my full-page B&W illustration printed at the back cover of the magazine.
My task is to accomodate a text of my choice from the issue and illustrate it. The topics of the articles —written by renowned authors, thinkers, conservationists, and think-tank workers — range from minute analysis of state politics to general visions.

Online Poetry Magazine
Since 2015 I am a regular illustrator for the Warsaw-based poetry magazine Wakat/ Notoria. I am responsible for creating cover illustrations for every article in 3-4 issues a year, with every set ranging from 30 to 50 illustrations + a cover poem/ illustration.